Runyon Sports Complex
Covid-19 Guidelines
Covid-19 Safety Guidelines
The following operating procedures have been adopted by the RSC and in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Orders, Colorado Public Health Orders, and local guidance to ensure a safe return to playing and practicing baseball and/or softball. As restrictions and state guidelines may update in the future, RSC will be sure to immediately implement all recommended state safety policies and procedures for everyone at our complex. All players and visitors to RSC will be screened at entry for temperature and COVID-19 symptom checks. Anyone experiencing a fever of 100.4F or higher or any symptoms will not be allowed entrance. Masks are required as outlined further within these guidelines.
General Guidance:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Leagues are encouraged to provide handwashing stations and/or hand sanitizer, if possible.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Cough and sneeze into the inside of your elbow.
- Everyone at RSC is encouraged to bring their own hand sanitizer for personal use.
Cloth face covering requirements for visitors and spectators:
- The Governor’s Executive Order 2020-092 allows employers and operators of public accommodation to have discretion to deny admittance or service and require the removal of any individual who fails to wear a medical or non-medical face covering. This Executive order shall expire 30 days from June 4, 2020, unless extended further by Executive Order.
- Excluding children ages 2-10 years of age, visitors wear a cloth face covering unless they have a health reason which precludes them from wearing a face mask.
- If a visitor cannot medically tolerate a face covering, they will be instructed to schedule a meeting with the ADA Coordinator. Pueblo County’s ADA Coordinator is Patsy Cresswell 583-6500.
Cloth face coverings for players, coaches, and field staff:
- All managers/coaches, volunteers, umpires, etc., shall wear PPE whenever applicable and possible, such as cloth face coverings.
- Players shall wear cloth face coverings when in close contact areas and in places where recommended social distancing is challenging or not feasible, such as in dugouts.
- Players are not required to wear a cloth face covering while on the field during game play.
- Players are permitted to wear a cloth face covering on the field during game play, if physically able to do so and based on any directive of a medical provider or individual determination of the player/parent/guardian/caretaker.
Cover Coughs and Sneezes:
- Remember to always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or use the inside of your elbow.
- Throw used tissues in the trash immediately.
- Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Players are permitted to wear a cloth face covering on the field during game play, if physically able to do so and based on any directive of a medical provider or individual determination of the player/parent/guardian/caretaker.
Social Distancing:
- All players, coaches, volunteers, independent contractors, and spectators should practice social distancing of six feet wherever possible from individuals not residing within their household, especially in common areas.
- Continue to keep six feet between yourself and others. The cloth face covering is not a substitute for social distancing.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Symptom checks, Self-monitoring and Quarantine:
- All players and visitors to RSC will be screened at entry for temperature and COVID-19 symptom checks. Anyone experiencing a fever of 100.4F or higher or any symptoms will not be allowed entrance.
- All individuals should measure their body temperature to ensure that no fever is present prior to participating or attending each baseball and/or softball activity. Anyone with symptoms of fever, cough, or worsening respiratory symptoms, or any known exposure to a person with COVID-19 should not attend any RSC activity until cleared by a medical professional.
- Any individual, including players, at risk for severe illness or with serious underlying medical or respiratory condition should only attend RSC activities with permission from a medical professional.
No Handshakes/Personal Contact Celebrations:
- Players and coaches should take measures to prevent all but the essential contact necessary to play the game. This should include refraining from handshakes, high fives, fist/elbow bumps, chest bumps, group celebrations, etc.
- RSC suggests lining up outside the dugout and tipping caps to the opposing team as a sign of good sportsmanship after a game.
- Players and families should vacate the field/facility as soon as is reasonably possible after the conclusion of their game to minimize unnecessary contact with players, coaches, and spectators from the next game, ideally within 20 minutes.
- Individuals should not congregate in common areas or parking lot following the event or practice.
Drinks and Snacks:
- Athletes, managers/coaches, and umpires should bring their own personal drinks to all team activities. Drinks should be labeled with the person’s name and only used by the specified person.
- Individuals should take their own drink containers home each night for cleaning and sanitation or use single-use bottles.
- There should be no use of shared or team beverages.
- Teams should not share any snacks or food. Players should bring individual, pre-packaged food, if needed.
RSC Guidelines:
- No more than 12 players per team in order to meet 25 total player requirements for games. This does not include coaches and umpires.
- Small Group Training Sessions will be limited to six participants and one coach.
- Roster and contact information will be retained for each team in order to support contact tracing efforts if exposures occur. The RSC roster includes names and contact info for all coaches, players and one parent per participant.
- All coaches and players will be screened for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 prior to each workout using the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) symptom checker. Screening includes a temperature check
- Screening sheets will be filled out on paper daily and kept in a binder. The binder will be kept by the head coach of the team.
- If a coach and/or player has COVID-19 symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19 displays signs and symptoms at the field before practice:.
- In the event of potential exposure or presumptive COVID-19 positive cases, the Pueblo County Department of Public Health and Environment (PDPHE) will be contacted immediately, and RSC will follow the directions provided by PDPHE.
- Coaches, players and parents will be notified as needed, and within HIPAA guidelines, by either the PDPHE or RSC staff.
- Managers/coaches and players should be assigned spots in the dugout or on the bleachers so that they are at least six feet apart and must be placed behind a fence.
- Players and managers/coaches shall wear a cloth face covering while in the dugout.
- Spectators are not allowed near dugouts at any time.
Player Equipment:
- No personal player bat bags/equipment bags should be allowed in the dugout.
- Player equipment should be spaced accordingly outside the dugout to prevent direct contact.
- Players should have their own individual batter’s helmet, glove, bat, and catcher’s equipment.
- Measures should be enacted to avoid, or minimize, equipment sharing when feasible.
- Some critical equipment may not be able to be obtained by every individual. When it is necessary to share critical or limited equipment, all surfaces of each piece of shared equipment must be cleaned first and then disinfected with an EPA approved disinfectant against COVID-19 and allowed sufficient time to dry before used by a new player. Bleach and water solution is acceptable when EPA cleaners are not available. Increased attention should be paid to detailed cleaning of all equipment directly contacting the head and face (catcher’s mask, helmets).
- Player’s equipment (e.g. bags, helmets, bats, gloves, etc.) should be cleaned and disinfected after each use by a parent/ guardian/caretaker, where applicable.
- Individuals disinfecting equipment are encouraged to use gloves while using disinfectants and follow the manufacturer’s directions for use. All disinfectants should be stored properly, in a safe area, out of the reach of children.
- Players should not share towels, clothing, or other items that they may use to wipe their face or hands.
Baseballs and Softballs:
- Fielding team brings out their own balls and pulls them off the field when up to bat. Teams must disinfect their game balls between each inning.
- Baseballs and softballs should be rotated through on a regular basis, at least every two innings, to limit individual contact.
- Umpires should limit their contact with the ball when possible.
- Catchers should retrieve foul balls and passed balls when possible and within reason.
- Balls used in infield/outfield warm-up should be isolated from a shared ball container.
- Foul balls landing outside the field of play should be retrieved by participating players, coaches, and umpires.
- No spectators should retrieve the ball.
Spitting, Sunflower Seeds, Gum, etc.:
- Sunflower seeds, gum, tobacco etc., are not allowed in dugouts, on the playing field, or anywhere in the complex.
- All players, coaches are to refrain from spitting at all times, including in dugout areas and on the playing field.
Game Operations and Umpire Guidance, Pre-Game Plate & In-Game Meetings:
- If possible, plate meetings should be eliminated.
- Social distancing of six feet between individuals should be implemented during all pre-game plate meetings between teams and umpires.
- Plate meetings should only consist of one manager or coach from each team, and game umpires.
- All participants should wear a cloth face covering.
- No players should ever be a part of plate meetings.
- Coaches are not allowed on the field to disagree or argue with a call. Instead, they can call the umpire to the dugout with questions while maintaining at least a distance of six feet.
- Aggressive arguing with an umpire is not allowed.
Game Play:
- Avoid team huddles - mound or circle visits are limited to pitcher, catcher and coach only.
- Teams are required to clean dugouts after each game, including picking up all trash and disinfecting seating, handrails, bat racks, etc.
- The incoming team is encouraged to do the same upon arrival.
- If weather delays occur, please head straight to your vehicles for safety. Do not gather in shelters, dugouts, etc. Teams should have a plan in place for players whose parents are not present.
- Base coaches need to maintain six feet distances at all times and cannot touch a runner and/or player on the field.
Player Equipment Inspection:
- Players should place their individual equipment in a well-spaced out manner for inspection. Umpires should avoid direct contact with equipment where possible but, when required, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol after the inspection of each individual piece of equipment.
- Catcher’s gear:
- If you are going to switch catchers, do your best to plan it between innings so that you have time to wipe items down and sanitize before next use.
Limit League/Game Volunteers:
- For each game, there should only be the required team managers/coaches, umpires, and one (1) league administrator (i.e. Safety Officer, player agent, etc.) in attendance.
- Practices should be limited to the managers/coaches and players.
- Scorekeeping should be conducted by each team’s pre-determined scorekeeper via GameChanger (Free App.). Proper social distancing should be practiced.
- Press boxes should not be utilized unless there is ample room for social distancing to occur within them.
Umpire Placement:
- Umpires are permitted to be placed behind the pitcher’s mound/circle or behind the catcher to call balls and strikes. Umpires are encouraged to keep a safe distance from players as much as possible..
- Umpires shall wear cloth face coverings while umpiring.
Facility, Fan, and Administrative Guidance:
(For League Administrators/Parents/Guardians/Caretakers/Spectators)
Clean and Disinfect Shared Equipment and Surfaces:
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily and in between all facility uses, including practices and games. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, facility equipment, dugouts, toilets, faucets, and sinks.
- If surfaces are visibly soiled or dirty, they should be cleaned with a detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection. Spread Out Scheduling of Practices and Games.
- Players/families/spectators are instructed not to show up to fields more than 60 minutes before game time.
- Where possible, individuals should enter your complex through one point of entry and exit through another.
- Arrivals to the complex can be scheduled to help ensure a large number of individuals are not arriving at the same time.
- If there is a game or practice prior to your event, families and spectators are encouraged to stay in their vehicles or at recommended social distances until the start of their game play to prevent overcrowding of spectator spaces and walkways.]
- On-field warm-up should be limited as much as is reasonably possible and no more than 30 minutes.
- Please allow time between practices and games for cleaning and disinfecting.
Limiting Spectator Attendance:
- All spectators should follow best social distancing practices — stay six feet away from individuals outside their household; shall wear a cloth face covering at all times; avoid direct hand or other contact with players/managers/coaches during play.
- RSC may choose to minimize the exposure risk to spectators by limiting attendance to only essential volunteers and limited family members.
- Spectators should bring their own seating or portable chairs when possible.
- A spectator with any of the following conditions will not be permitted attend a practice or game until evaluated by a medical provider and given clearance to do so:
- Active COVID-19 infection
- Known direct contact with an individual testing positive for COVID-19
- Experiencing symptoms of COVID-19
- Temperature of 100.4F or higher
Public Restrooms:
- A "one-in-one-out" policy, where only one individual is permitted within the restroom at one time will be implemented to ensure adequate distancing in the confined restroom space.
- Prior to and after any league activity, restrooms will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected
- Restrooms will be disinfected on a regular basis.
- Public water fountains will not be used and will be turned off to discourage use.
Member Communication:
- RSC will disseminate pertinent information in a time efficient manner to all families, volunteers, and spectators regarding COVID-19 and all associated/ updated safety efforts that RSC will be undertaking to mitigate those risks.
- If players, coaches and/or fans are not following specified safety protocols, a verbal warning from the General Manager and/or Assistant General Manager will occur first.
- If the actions persist, the team can be removed from the event.